Kennedy Civils

"Road Contractors"

Road & Pot Hole


Surface Dressing

Roads & Tracks

Kennedy Civils is a Professional Road Construction and Maintenance Company


 Call: 07876 686282

How do we help?

We assist in the whole process of road construction and maintenance, including the design, contracting, implementation, supervision, and maintenance of roads and related structures. 

This includes public works, private contracting of civil works, and labour-based construction techniques.

On Site Safety

Kennedy Civils Ltd, recognises its duties under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.

Health and safety is formost in our plans to protect the health, safety and welfare of employees and others who may be close by.

We, The Directors, have overall responsibility for all matters of health and safety within the Company and will actively pursue continual improvement through the implementation of this policy by ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, that:
All risks arising from our activities are identified, evaluated and appropriately controlled and safe systems of work are implemented, maintained and reviewed.

Company Details

Direct Line:
0787 668 6282
Free Call:
0800 077 6264

18 Orchard Road
Stockton on Tees
TS19 7DA

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Kennedy Civils Ltd
Company Number


We offer a full Road Construction service.  We assist in the whole process of road construction and maintenance, including the design, contracting, implementation, supervision, and maintenance of roads and related structures. 

Public contracts/works,

Private contracting of civil works,

Labour-based construction techniques.

Road Repairs and Pot Hole repairs.

We undertake routine road inspections/checks, and carry-out routine road repairs and are willing to contract for such services.


Surface Dressing for roads and farm tracks.

Why use surface dressing?

Surface Dressing performs two functions:

  • Safety - Skid Resistance - surface dressing increases the texture of the road surface, with minimum usage of scarce high-quality aggregate. ..... More

We provide a wide range of services. These include Surfacing Car Parks, Civil Engineering, Road Laying, Ground Works from start, through to, Line Marking services.

Car park line marking the parking bays, disability parking bays and other road markings that may be required.

Car Parks and other large projects welcome.

School Playground, road and car parks installed.  Road surfacing and line markings where appropriate.

We provide line markings for roads, car parks etc.

Laying white lines

Yellow lines

All road and car park line markings

Car park bays

Disability parking bays

